Biweekly Newsletter-Whether or Not a Full Time CFO is Necessary

For many companies, the question about whether or not a full time CFO is necessary is often a question that is overlooked and small companies will rush into hiring an expensive CFO rather than outsourcing the work. Below are multiple articles related to whether a full time CFO is necessary: -In Patrick Curtis’s article, titled “Hiring or… Continue reading Biweekly Newsletter-Whether or Not a Full Time CFO is Necessary

Cash Flow – We Want to Help

We hope you and your family are well during this Covid-19 event. From a business perspective, it is likely that almost all companies will suffer reduced sales and cash flow. Cash is often said to be king, and this crisis is reinforcing that idea. At CFO Consulting Partners, a senior-level financial management firm comprised mostly… Continue reading Cash Flow – We Want to Help

New Revenue Recognition Standard. If You Think You Have a Lot of Time, Think Again!

If you think you have a lot of time to implement the new revenue recognition standard, you don’t! While revenue may still be recognized under the old standards through December 31, 2018, disclosure will be required about the effects of the January 1 adoption.  This disclosure will be expected to be fairly substantive, since the… Continue reading New Revenue Recognition Standard. If You Think You Have a Lot of Time, Think Again!

New Revenue Recognition Standard. If You Think You Have a Lot of Time, Think Again!

If you think you have a lot of time to implement the new revenue recognition standard, you don’t! While revenue may still be recognized under the old standards through December 31, 2018, disclosure will be required about the effects of the January 1 adoption.  This disclosure will be expected to be fairly substantive, since the… Continue reading New Revenue Recognition Standard. If You Think You Have a Lot of Time, Think Again!

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