Newsletter – April 2018

Case Study: Financial Transformation BACKGROUND Engaged by a service provider (a boutique law firm) that had been in business for approximately 18 months. Firm was highly successful on the legal side but was immature on the operations/business process side. In 18 months, firm had had three Chief Operating Officers, all from “Big Law” and all… Continue reading Newsletter – April 2018

Newsletter – March 2018

The CECL Approach, 3 of 3 For this newsletter CFO Consulting Partners has partnered with Ardmore Banking Advisors to review the potential material financial benefits of a well planned and executed implementation of the new current expected credit loss (“CECL”) accounting standard. Most banks have an awareness of the need to prepare for the transition… Continue reading Newsletter – March 2018

Newsletter – March 2018

The CECL Approach, 3 of 3 For this newsletter CFO Consulting Partners has partnered with Ardmore Banking Advisors to review the potential material financial benefits of a well planned and executed implementation of the new current expected credit loss (“CECL”) accounting standard. Most banks have an awareness of the need to prepare for the transition… Continue reading Newsletter – March 2018

Newsletter – February 2018

A.M. Best Updates Its Rating Methodologies and Capital Model Marc Liebowitz, CFO Consulting Partner LLC A.M. Best (AMB) recently revised its rating methodologies, most of the changes relate to updated procedures and the underlying analytical components have generally remained in place. The below videos provide an overview of the methodology updates: “A.M. Best’s Mosher: Methodology… Continue reading Newsletter – February 2018

Newsletter – February 2018

A.M. Best Updates Its Rating Methodologies and Capital Model Marc Liebowitz, CFO Consulting Partner LLC A.M. Best (AMB) recently revised its rating methodologies, most of the changes relate to updated procedures and the underlying analytical components have generally remained in place. The below videos provide an overview of the methodology updates: “A.M. Best’s Mosher: Methodology… Continue reading Newsletter – February 2018

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