SEC Issues Revised SOX Compliance Date for Smallest Reporting Firms

On October 2, 2009, the SEC approved an additional extension for companies with a public float of $75 million or less. The extension moves the compliance date to June 15, 2010, meaning that companies must comply with Section 404 requirements for periods ending on or after that date.  No further extensions will likely be granted.… Continue reading SEC Issues Revised SOX Compliance Date for Smallest Reporting Firms

CFO Consulting Partners Welcomes New Members to the Team

CFO Consulting Partners is pleased to announce the following new additions to its team: Keith Barber, MBA Keith will be providing financial management consulting services to banks on a wide range of financial, strategic, and regulatory issues. Prior to joining CFO Consulting Partners, Keith was Controller of a Credit Card Start-Up (now Barclaycard US), CFO of… Continue reading CFO Consulting Partners Welcomes New Members to the Team

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