Biweekly Newsletter-Whether or Not a Full Time CFO is Necessary

For many companies, the question about whether or not a full time CFO is necessary is often a question that is overlooked and small companies will rush into hiring an expensive CFO rather than outsourcing the work. Below are multiple articles related to whether a full time CFO is necessary: -In Patrick Curtis’s article, titled “Hiring or… Continue reading Biweekly Newsletter-Whether or Not a Full Time CFO is Necessary

Newsletter – December 2018

Behavioral Health: Industry Consolidation and Innovation Is on the Way John DeLorenzo, Director, CFO Consulting Partners LLC According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 43.8 million people in the U.S., or approximately one in five, suffer from mental illness. Approximately 60% of those affected are not treated, in some part due to a shortage of… Continue reading Newsletter – December 2018

Update on CFO Consulting Partners’ SEC & Pre-Audit Services

CFO Consulting Partners’ SEC and pre-audit services help public and private companies produce workpapers and a full set of GAAP financial statements, including notes, for review by its independent auditors. Workpapers are cross-referenced and references are made to supporting documentation. For public companies, CFO Consulting Partners offers SEC report preparation services (i.e., 10-Qs and 10-Ks, including… Continue reading Update on CFO Consulting Partners’ SEC & Pre-Audit Services

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