Eleven independent finance and accounting consulting firms from across the country have aligned to launch a membership-based group called the Finance and Accounting Consultants Alliance (FINACA).

4/16/2014 Waltham, MA – Eleven independent finance and accounting consulting firms from across the country have aligned to launch a membership-based group called the Finance and Accounting Consultants Alliance (FINACA). Sharing best practices and insights enables the members to provide exceptional client service as well as deliver expert finance and accounting resources across the United… Continue reading Eleven independent finance and accounting consulting firms from across the country have aligned to launch a membership-based group called the Finance and Accounting Consultants Alliance (FINACA).

Update on CFO Consulting Partners’ Pre-Audit Services

CFO Consulting Partners’ pre-audit services helps public and private companies produce workpapers and a full set of GAAP financial statements, including footnotes, for review by its independent auditors. Workpapers are cross-referenced and references are made to supporting documentation. For public companies, CFO Consulting Partners offers SEC report preparation services (i.e., 10-Qs and 10-Ks, including MD&As).… Continue reading Update on CFO Consulting Partners’ Pre-Audit Services

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Update on CFO Consulting Partners’ Pre-Audit Services

CFO Consulting Partners’ pre-audit services helps public and private companies produce workpapers and a full set of GAAP financial statements, including footnotes, for review by its independent auditors. Workpapers are cross-referenced and references are made to supporting documentation. For public companies, CFO Consulting Partners offers SEC report preparation services (i.e., 10-Qs and 10-Ks, including MD&As).… Continue reading Update on CFO Consulting Partners’ Pre-Audit Services

Newsletter – February 2014

Compromise for Lease Accounting Overhaul Has Been Rejected by the Leasing Industry Accountants and Analysts Since 2006, the U.S. Financial Accounting Standards Board and the IASB have been working on a lease accounting overhaul. This effort has been spurred by investor complaints that huge off-balance sheet leases can blur a company’s true financial obligations. On… Continue reading Newsletter – February 2014

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