Newsletter – December 2015

Financial Transparency – A Case Study The following is a composite case of several organizations, and any resemblance to an actual client is clearly coincidental. Background: A client suffered fraud, misappropriated funds, and confused financial concepts. This caused lots of frustration at the board level. The audit report took almost a year to complete, and… Continue reading Newsletter – December 2015

Newsletter – December 2015

Financial Transparency – A Case Study The following is a composite case of several organizations, and any resemblance to an actual client is clearly coincidental. Background: A client suffered fraud, misappropriated funds, and confused financial concepts. This caused lots of frustration at the board level. The audit report took almost a year to complete, and… Continue reading Newsletter – December 2015

Newsletter – September 2015

New Relief for Private Companies? The private companies that suffer through the same accounting procedures as large public companies are now experiencing some level of relief. That relief is due to the FASB issuing Accounting Standard Updates (ASUs) that provide simplified accounting alternatives. The FASB defines private companies as entities other than a public business… Continue reading Newsletter – September 2015

Categorized as Newsletters

Newsletter – September 2015

New Relief for Private Companies? The private companies that suffer through the same accounting procedures as large public companies are now experiencing some level of relief. That relief is due to the FASB issuing Accounting Standard Updates (ASUs) that provide simplified accounting alternatives. The FASB defines private companies as entities other than a public business… Continue reading Newsletter – September 2015

Cyber Security: A fundamental component of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

CFO Consulting Partners LLC Cyber Security White Paper March 2015 1 Cyber Security: A fundamental component of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Cyberattacks have hit virtually every industry and the two industries most impacted by incursions, breaches and theft of data are financial services and health care. Financial services and the medical world are inexorably connected… Continue reading Cyber Security: A fundamental component of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

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