Restructured the AML Compliance program at a major private bank. With the new program, the bank’s existing Cease and Desist Order was lifted.
Restructured the AML Compliance program at a major private bank. With the new program, the bank’s existing Cease and Desist Order was lifted.
Engaged as an interim CFO for a food manufacturer. We steered the company through an ERP system implementation and provided it with standard CFO-type services. The client was extremely pleased with the level of service and complimented us on many occasions.
Engaged as interim CFO for a publicly-traded bank in the process of being acquired to manage the accounting and finance function, to prepare and/or refile SEC and bank regulatory reports, to improve internal controls and to mediate among the Board, senior bank management, regulatory officials and outside accountants. Accounting and finance area managed, and bank… Continue reading Industry: Financial Institutions
Type of Service: M&A/ Liquidity Event, Accounting & Finance Outsourcing, Technical Accounting
Recreated the financials of a subsidiary of a Fortune 500 company to prepare the subsidiary for an outside audit. Audit completed in a timely manner.
Engaged by personal care Company conducting a reverse merger. Provided services leading to the filing of the first 10-Q and then remained on the team to prepare 10-Qs on an ongoing basis. Prepared the initial and subsequent 10-Qs and 10-Ks for two and a half years. Company grew from $70 million to $300 million.
As the Interim Chief Accounting Officer, produced SEC reports for a consumer products company (such as Q’s, K’s, and Proxies) for a company that backed into a public shell. Assisted with very complex derivative accounting issues, and participated in responses and discussions with the SEC. All SEC reports filed on a timely basis, and complex… Continue reading Industry: Manufacturing/ Distribution/ Consumer Products
Type of Service: Accounting & Finance Outsourcing, Technical Accounting, Pre-audit