Industry: Technology
Type of Service: M&A/ Liquidity Event

Hired by management of a technology company looking to conduct a management buyout (MBO). Provided advisory services including preparing a business plan and financial projections, and identified the necessary additional collateral to complete the deal. Management team gained control and made the anticipated course correction in the company’s operations. Revenue increased 33% in year one… Continue reading Industry: Technology
Type of Service: M&A/ Liquidity Event

Mortgage Financing Company

Issue The Controller of a $1 billion (in assets) mortgage finance company departed at the beginning of its annual audit process. The audit, however, could not be delayed. The company needed an Interim Controller who could come up to speed quickly, manage the accounting function and lead the year-end audit process. What We Did We… Continue reading Mortgage Financing Company

Industry: Financial Institutions
Type of Service: Finance Transformation

Hired by a Bank to independently review its regulatory “Call” reporting process. Provided a substantial number of suggestions to improve the Bank’s process. The Bank implemented the suggested changes, and it mitigated the risk of potential criticism from regulators and the associated costs by improving the quality of the its call reporting.

Industry: Financial Institutions
Type of Service: Pre-audit, Technical Accounting

Hired by a Bank that had been late in issuing its previous annual report because of delays in dealing with certain accounting issues. Provided advisory services including assisting the Bank to properly account for loan sales and other than temporary impairment, properly analyze potential goodwill impairment, and resolve certain tax accounting matters. Resolved all issues… Continue reading Industry: Financial Institutions
Type of Service: Pre-audit, Technical Accounting

Industry: Financial Institutions
Type of Service: Pre-audit, Technical Accounting

Engaged as interim CFO of a $2.0 billion publicly-held national bank with significant credit quality issues. The bank was facing potential restatement of prior year’s financial statement reporting. Worked with the board, management team, and external auditors and determined restatement was necessary. Worked with external auditors to complete the audit, restated public filings and amended… Continue reading Industry: Financial Institutions
Type of Service: Pre-audit, Technical Accounting

Industry: Financial Institutions
Type of Service: Technical Accounting, Planning & Control

Hired as project manager for the completion of a capital plan required by regulators. The assignment was to develop an accurate and reliable financial forecast which included asset quality concerns and the impact of loan losses on capital ratios. Assisted senior management to develop a plan to ensure capital ratios exceeded regulatory minimums. Forecasts of… Continue reading Industry: Financial Institutions
Type of Service: Technical Accounting, Planning & Control

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