Case Study – Nonprofit CFO Monthly Board Presentation

Industry: Nonprofit
Type of Service: Planning & Analysis


A new CFO joined at non-profit educational institution, and she found it very time-consuming to produce the monthly financial presentation to the board. Due to its complexity, she was the only one in the department who could produce the report. Finally, many of the reports contained errors, and there was no time for analysis.

What We Did

The CFO engaged CFO Consulting Partners (“CFOCP”) to streamline the report preparation process, and to fix data integrity problems. CFOCP reorganized the chart of accounts, reformatted the management report and mapped the numbers from the revised chart of accounts to the new management report.


The result was a report that could be produced in minutes versus many hours, and the problems causing the report to be inaccurate were eliminated. With more time for analysis and an impactful report layout, the Board of Directors received a much improved presentation. Compliments to the CFO were in abundance.