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Biweekly Newsletter- Roles of the Board of Directors

Below are multiple articles related to the roles and responsibilities for boards of directors:

-As time progresses, the challenges faced by boards of directors are constantly changing and directors are forced to adapt to these new responsibilities. In the article, “How Boards of Directors Are Reshaping to Meet New Challenges,” Christopher P. Skroupa, the author, interviews Tom Manning, a board director, about how he adapts to these new challenges.

-The article, titled “The Changing Role of Directors in a Globalizing World,” speaks about one of the specific changes that impact Boards, modern globalization. The article covers the Salzburg Global Seminar, where the role of the director, in an increasingly globalized world, was discussed.

-The board at nonprofits is often filled with very reputable seasoned business leaders, which would help less experienced professionals that join a nonprofit Board reap a plethora of benefits. Wayne Elsey published an article, titled “Seven Reasons to Serve on a Nonprofit Board“, pushing people to serve on nonprofit boards and explaining the wide array of benefits.

By Peyton Wille, CFO Consulting Partners